29th June 2016

Teeth grinding – Bruxism

Bruxism is the term used for grinding and clenching the jaw. It can lead to damaged teeth but also to headaches, gum problems, tight shoulders and even earache. Some people are aware they are doing it as it happens for them while awake others don’t notice as it occurs while sleeping. They are told by partners but also notice the tension in their jaws when waking up. Hypnosis can be very effective as it will release the tension that is causing the teeth grinding. Anxiety and tension are […]
31st May 2016

Eating Disorders – Hypnotherapy can be a great help!

People who suffer from an eating disorder tend to have an unhealthy attitude towards food. Most people who suffer with an eating disorder don’t feel understood. Usually they don’t like the way they look and constantly think about weight or body shape. It is also quite common to eat in strange cycles or to eat less and less. There are different types of eating disorders but all of them can have devastating results. Eating disorders are very serious as they change the way one thinks and behaves. They […]
24th May 2016

Children and hypnosis

Children are often excellent subjects when using hypnosis, meaning that they respond well to hypnotherapy. I often see children or teenagers that have been to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) who feel helpless and powerless and whose parents are looking for an alternative to help their children. Most problems stem from underlying emotional issues. This is not a judgement on the family, because even with the most loving background there can be areas that have an effect on a child, whether they are aware of it […]
26th February 2016

Panic Attacks

Anybody who’s ever been so scared that they thought they might die knows what it feels like having a panic attack. It’s a dreadful feeling; ones heart will be thumping and there is great fear. In many cases people have no idea what the cause of the attack may be. It seems to come out of the blue for no apparent reason and it is a very frightening experience. Hypnotherapy can be a great help when dealing with panic attacks and anxiety. Mostly, though not always, a panic […]