
3rd July 2017

Personal Change

Often personal change seems much harder than it ought to be. People may have accomplished many projects successfully only to feel disappointed in themselves when they cannot do something that seems minor in comparison. What makes it worse is when friends or acquaintances explain that all it needs is willpower, the willpower to stop certain eating habits, to stop snacking at night, to not smoke the last cigarette at the end of the day, to choose different relationships. In fact, there is no need for any negative self-evaluation. […]
28th June 2017


The major component for change is imagination. If you can imagine something and you want it, you most likely will achieve it. An athlete would achieve it by crossing the line first, a golfer by seeing the ball drop into the hole, a boxer by hearing the roar of the crowds. Everyone can do it and practice this visualisation process. At first you need to know what it is that you want to achieve or own. Maybe you want to get a new job, imagine someone congratulating you […]
12th June 2017

Look at your Beliefs

Consider some of these statements: I always have to eat late at night. Nobody really likes me. I can’t drive in the dark. I hate walking. The list is endless. These are the sort of thoughts that run through our minds endlessly. These are also the thoughts that reflect our beliefs. When we frequently expect bad stuff to happen and frequently think negatively then we don’t even try to make the things that we truly want come true. You can challenge these kind of thoughts. Become aware of […]
6th June 2017

Help for Anxiety, Stress and Panic attacks

Anxiety is a common human reaction to stressful events. Everybody worries from time to time. When people have anxiety disorders or suffer from panic attacks, anxiety attacks, depression, anxious feelings, coping with stress and so forth, those fears and worries don’t pass quickly. Quite often their anxiety intensifies over time causing panic attacks.