
19th March 2014


Nail biting is a very common habit. It tends to start in childhood and continuous throughout adult life. Many nail biters are embarrassed about their habit. The habit is usually made worse by stress or anxiety. It is an unconscious behaviour and many people bite their nails in inappropriate situations. Hypnotherapy can help you to relax, help you to cope with stressful situations. Hypnosis can help you to break this unconscious habit. No matter how much you make up your mind to stop biting your nails, quietly your […]
14th March 2014

Fears/Phobias, Lack of confidence or Depression and physical pain

Here we have a list of problems that we fixed for clients by identifying the root cause of a problem they had. Fears/Phobias Many clients I see are afraid of flying. Jonathan came to me with the same problem. He had tried to fly and left the plain twice when there was still a chance to get out. In his case the fear wasn’t so much of flying but being in a small space.  It turned out that when about 11 years old a friend as a joke […]
11th March 2014

Stuttering or Stammering

Stuttering or Stammering A person who stammers experiences a block of speech when they cannot get a word out, repeat a syllable or prolong a sound. Quite often stuttering begins in childhood and tends to happening more to boys than girls. The severity of the stutter differs from person to person.  Stuttering is caused by a number of factors such as environmental ones or genetic ones. It is common that there is a psychological link to it such as the experience of trauma, stress and commonly being bullied. […]
22nd November 2013


Most people feel down at some point in their lives. While this is not a lasting state there are those people who suffer from it at an almost permanent basis. These are the people that are going through depression. It makes you feel locked in your own body by a feeling of permanent sadness and nothing seems to work to get out of this prison cell. Depression is caused by underlying emotional feelings that have not been released. These unresolved emotions may make you feel that your life […]