
3rd August 2015

Ornithophobia Fear of Birds

Do you need help with your Fear of Birds? If you suffer from a fear of birds you might be very uncomfortable around them or even extremely frightened. Some people are frightened of all sorts of birds while for others it is only a certain variety that causes distress. When faced with confronting a bird it may be that you start shaking or are unable to move. It is extremely difficult to avoid birds completely as they are free animals and can appear seemingly out from nowhere. For many […]
13th July 2015

Toilet Anxiety

Most Hull and Beverley people don’t admit to feeling anxious but those who suffer from a toilet phobia are unlikely ever to admit this. They fear humiliation, being laughed at or not being understood. There are a number of fears relating to toilets such as a fear of urinating in public toilets or in the company of others (paruresis). The most common problem occurs when men cannot urinate in the company of others; women too can find it difficult if there are people in the toilet or nearby […]
26th May 2015

Hypnosis Help for Depression

Everyone feels down at some point but depression is different from feeling down. Depression is often defined as being “down” for a prolonged period of time, for more than two weeks and when symptoms begin to interfere with your life. These symptoms of depression vary for different people. People with depression almost always report being down and also having a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed. Other symptoms include: feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, fatigue, feeling constantly pessimistic, feeling constantly sad, anxious or empty and changes in […]
26th April 2015

Fear of Death and Dying (necrophobia)

Cure the Fear of Death and Dying (necrophobia) with hypnosis. Many people are more afraid of the process of dying than death itself. The only certainty we have in life is ‘death’. And absolutely all living things die. It seems that many people fear death and if it isn’t the fear of one’s own death it will be the death of someone we love. While many people are uncomfortable with the topic there are those who dwell on it incessantly, are anxious when being faced with the topic while […]