
3rd July 2017

Personal Change

Often personal change seems much harder than it ought to be. People may have accomplished many projects successfully only to feel disappointed in themselves when they cannot do something that seems minor in comparison. What makes it worse is when friends or acquaintances explain that all it needs is willpower, the willpower to stop certain eating habits, to stop snacking at night, to not smoke the last cigarette at the end of the day, to choose different relationships. In fact, there is no need for any negative self-evaluation. […]
3rd May 2017

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD

OCDs and the behaviours that go along with it are always just symptoms. They begin in a moment of fear, helplessness or vulnerability, usually, but not always, in childhood. In hypnosis we are able to go back to the moment when the OCD started.
29th June 2016

Teeth grinding – Bruxism

Bruxism is the term used for grinding and clenching the jaw. It can lead to damaged teeth but also to headaches, gum problems, tight shoulders and even earache. Some people are aware they are doing it as it happens for them while awake others don’t notice as it occurs while sleeping. They are told by partners but also notice the tension in their jaws when waking up. Hypnosis can be very effective as it will release the tension that is causing the teeth grinding. Anxiety and tension are […]
25th September 2015

Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Tobacco has been around for centuries but it is only been fairly recently known that smoking can be harmful. There is so much evidence that points to the danger of smoking and yet people still find it a habit that is difficult to stop. There are hundreds of reasons why people smoke, for example boredom, peer pressure, problems in life, work, alcohol etc. Smoking can become addictive quite quickly as nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man. For most smokers it takes a little […]