
27th October 2017
Help with Anxiety

Help with Anxiety

Most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives. For some, however, it can escalate into panic attacks and a constant state of discomfort. For some, anxiety comes on suddenly, while for others it develops over a period of time. It is made worse by the expectancy of it. Often people are not sure what is causing them to feel that way.
6th June 2017

Help for Anxiety, Stress and Panic attacks

Anxiety is a common human reaction to stressful events. Everybody worries from time to time. When people have anxiety disorders or suffer from panic attacks, anxiety attacks, depression, anxious feelings, coping with stress and so forth, those fears and worries don’t pass quickly. Quite often their anxiety intensifies over time causing panic attacks.
18th May 2017

Feeling Stuck

Feeling stuck – this is one of the most common complaints I get to hear. It usually comes with a feeling of being disenchanted and frustrated with life. If any of these rings true then you haven’t been honoring your inner values in something that you are doing in your life. Or it could be that you are forgetting about your natural talents or you put yourself in a place where your inborn inclinations are being ignored. If you feel that you need some help to get out […]
29th June 2016

Teeth grinding – Bruxism

Bruxism is the term used for grinding and clenching the jaw. It can lead to damaged teeth but also to headaches, gum problems, tight shoulders and even earache. Some people are aware they are doing it as it happens for them while awake others don’t notice as it occurs while sleeping. They are told by partners but also notice the tension in their jaws when waking up. Hypnosis can be very effective as it will release the tension that is causing the teeth grinding. Anxiety and tension are […]