Are you tired of waking up with jaw pain and restless nights?
Find peace and tranquilly by breaking free from tension and anxiety.
  • Teeth grinding and jaw clenching often occur involuntarily, triggered by negative emotions.
  • These repetitive actions can turn into unconscious habits, even without an immediate stressor.
  • Frustration, anger, anxiety, stress, irritation, competition, and determination commonly contribute to teeth grinding.
  • Sometimes, you may not even realize it, but when you experience anxiety, stress, or determination, your jaws clench or teeth grind.
  • It's as if you're preparing yourself for challenges, propelling forward, and strengthening your resolve.
  • This behaviour can even manifest during sleep due to its subconscious nature.
Signs and symptoms of bruxism may include

Damaged teeth: Chipped or flattened teeth due to grinding.

Tooth sensitivity and pain: Discomfort when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods/drinks.

Jaw joint issues: Problems with the temporomandibular joint, leading to pain and limited jaw movement.

Discomfort in the neck and face: Muscular tension and headaches due to jaw clenching.

Disrupted sleep and general fatigue: Grinding teeth during sleep can lead to restless nights and fatigue.

Bruxism & Stress:
  • Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is often closely linked to stress and anxiety.
  • When you feel overwhelmed, your jaw muscles may clench involuntarily, exacerbating bruxism.
  • Not only present stressors but also past frustrations and anger can trigger teeth grinding.
  • During work tasks or routine activities, stress can sneak in and worsen bruxism.
Finding Empowerment in Relationships John was struggling to assert himself in his personal relationships. Whenever he tried to speak up, his partner's furious reactions left him feeling overwhelmed and helpless. But even when he chose to remain silent, the anger within him persisted, leading to a deep sense of frustration and powerlessness. Sadly, his teeth suffered the consequences of this internal turmoil. The impact was twofold. John experienced nighttime grinding that disrupted his sleep, and during the day, he clenched his jaw during moments he held back from expressing his true thoughts and emotions. Through our sessions, we explored the root causes of John's fear and anxiety. We delved into the experiences and beliefs that had contributed to his struggles. As he gained insights and understanding, John started to experience a remarkable shift. The clenching and grinding began to subside, no longer serving as his default coping mechanisms. Instead, he learned healthier ways to express himself and set boundaries. John started to navigate his relationships from a place of authenticity and self-assuredness. This transformative process allowed John to take control of his life. No longer held back by the fear of conflict, he discovered a sense of empowerment and a renewed direction in life.
Healing Emotional Pain Sarah suffered from frequent headaches and neck pain due to constant jaw clenching. Throughout the day and night, she endured the consequences of her grinding teeth and tense jaws. However, the physical symptoms were only part of the story. Sarah's deep-rooted struggle stemmed from feeling unwanted within her own family, especially her mother, who had not spoken to her for five years. The emotional burden of being unloved from an early age manifested in her bruxism habits as resentment and anger. Through our sessions, we explored the underlying causes of Sarah's emotional pain. She bravely began to process and release these long-held emotions. As she embraced self-acceptance and forgiveness, Sarah experienced a profound transformation. As her emotional healing progressed, so did her physical well-being. The clenching and grinding stopped completely, relieving her chronic headaches and neck pain. Sarah's journey is a testament to the power of confronting emotional wounds, leading to personal growth, healthier relationships, and a renewed sense of self-worth.
Confronting Trauma Mark's life had been overshadowed by constant teeth grinding and jaw clenching. The origins of these habits traced back to his deployment abroad and the traumatic scenes he witnessed. During that time, Mark encountered sights and sounds that he desperately tried to forget. Whenever he was reminded of those distressing moments—loud noises or sudden movements—he instinctively stiffened his muscles. Through therapy, Mark began to process his experiences and release the emotional burden that had taken a toll on his jaw and overall well-being. As the healing progressed, Mark gradually found relief from the constant clenching and grinding. By addressing the traumatic memories, he discovered a new sense of peace. Mark's story serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between our emotions, experiences, and physical manifestations. Through understanding, support, and healing, he was able to break free from the involuntary grip of teeth grinding and experienced a freedom that he couldn't imagine he would have again.

Breaking Free from Triggers with Hypnotherapy

Through personalized hypnotherapy sessions, you'll gain a deeper awareness of your emotions and their connection to bruxism. Hypnotherapy can help you identify the root causes, whether they stem from unresolved past experiences or ongoing stressors in your life. By addressing these emotions and beliefs at a subconscious level, you can transform the way you respond to triggers and regain control over your dental health.

Hypnotherapy: Uncover the Root Cause for Lasting Change
  • Every habit stems from a belief system that once fulfilled your needs.
  • Hypnotherapy uses regression techniques to uncover these causal issues.
  • By reframing the association between needs and habits, healthier coping strategies can be embraced.
Awake and Sleep Bruxism: Unravelling the Connection
  • Awake bruxism and sleep bruxism may share a potential link.
  • Unresolved negative emotions and physical symptoms during the day surface in dreams.
  • Sleep bruxism could be a subconscious mechanism to release pent-up frustration, anger, or anxiety.


1What do I need to get started?
A Device (tablet or laptop) that allows you to use Zoom or Skype. A credit or debit card to make your online payment or a PayPal account. An open mind
2Why is hypnosis so effective in overcoming bruxism?
Hypnosis is highly effective because it allows us to work on a deep level, addressing the underlying issues that cause pain. As a result, your body can relax, and you learn to question the beliefs that have kept you stuck in a state of tension.
3How long does a hypnotherapy session usually last?
A typical hypnotherapy session lasts around one and a half to two hours providing ample time for initial discussions. I prefer to allocate a total of two hours for each session, which allows ample time for initial discussions and follow-up conversations. Actual session duration may vary based on unique experiences and insights. I strive to provide sufficient time for a comprehensive and meaningful exploration of your personal journey.
4How many sessions are recommended?
Every person responds differently. Sometimes relief is immediate, but often several sessions are needed as problems usually run deeper.
5Is this therapy suitable for me? Yes, if:
  • You're at a point where you can no longer continue living as you currently are, and you're seeking rapid improvement.
  • You've already tried various methods to address your challenges, but you haven't seen the desired results.
  • You're intrigued by the idea of therapeutic hypnosis.
  • You have a strong desire to deepen your self-awareness and gain a better understanding of yourself.
  • You're committed to actively investing your time and energy to create meaningful changes in your life.
6Will I remember everything during a hypnotherapy session?
Yes, you will remember everything. During the session, you will remain fully aware while experiencing a deep state of relaxation. As I guide you, you will be able to recall and process any thoughts or memories that arise naturally.
7Can my hypnotherapy session be conducted online, or is it only available face-to-face?
Regardless of your location, you have the option to choose between face-to-face sessions in Yorkshire or online sessions via Zoom or Skype. The online format provides convenience and accessibility from wherever you are.
Who am I?

I am Sabine Stone, and I'm here to help you discover truth beyond conventional interpretations. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, panic, PTSD, depression or just need someone to talk to, I'm here to help. Seeking therapy can be intimidating, especially when dealing with difficult emotional challenges. But rest assured that our work together will feel natural and comfortable and has the potential to change your life.

Together, we'll identify the thoughts, behaviours, and emotions that no longer serve you. This is true healing, something I have been doing for years. My goal is to help you release the conditioning that's holding you back, whether it's showing up in your relationships, work, health, or elsewhere in your life.

When you come to therapy, you get to drop the pretensions. If we don't address our issues now, they will only continue to grow louder. With years of experience as a regression therapist and an eclectic approach I understand that effectively processing past experiences allows us to live fully in the present. Additionally, I rely on my intuition and the wisdom of your subconscious mind to guide the therapeutic process and provide individualized care.