
29th May 2020

Inner voice / mental chatter

All the voices, all the noise inside our minds are simply a way to not feel all that stored up the pain. For most people that mental chatter never seems to stop. It's always talking without many breaks. Once we begin to pay attention to feelings and start to trust that we can handle our emotional experiences, the constant chatter will slow down and intrusive thoughts begin to diminish.
18th May 2020


Worrying about what people think of you? It is rare for people not to worry about other people’s opinions. We are all guilty of it. Although some people have a much harder time because their worries gets out of hand and becomes a form of social anxiety. Eventually everything we do and say is influenced by how we believe others to perceive us.  “If I get an easier job what will they think of me? People will think I am slow if I don’t do A-levels. I look […]
24th March 2020

Online Hypnotherapy

Online hypnotherapy is an excellent alternative to face-to-face sessions if for some reason you cannot attend in person. Maybe a friend or family member visited me and personally recommended me to you, but you don't live there. Or you live overseas and would like to work with me. I offer online sessions via Skype, Zoom, Facetime, or WhatsApp.
26th June 2019
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Military Hypnosis

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Military Help

PTSD is a common issue for people in the military or ex-military. While counselling and CBT can be very helpful the process of hypnotherapy can be a much faster and a more efficient method. Hypnosis has been in use for far longer than any psychological science.  Our bodies are very intelligent and they can repair themselves naturally. Being in the state of hypnosis is a most natural state to be in and change can happen very quickly. Post traumatic trauma means having so much tension inside the body […]