Is your drinking out of Control?
With hypnosis, the mind is more easily able to listen to positive suggestions and therefore to change alcohol drinking habits. In much the same way as we have learned to watch TV at a certain time or eat breakfast we learned to drink alcohol at specific times. It means the drinking habit is just that- a habit – a programme in our mind.
The amount we drink tends to build up over time and becomes harder to change. Living in this world can bring a lot of challenges and having a drink often seems like the solution for that specific moment. There are many reasons why people wish to stop or reduce drinking. These could be health issues or having had enough of the permanent sensation of feeling sluggish and not quite awake, money reasons or relationships that become affected. The feeling of being in control of your intake of alcohol will make a huge difference to the way you feel and live your life.
You can choose to stop drinking alcohol completely but you can also keep enjoying a glass of wine, a pint of gin, and tonic on occasion. Alcohol reduction hypnosis will allow you to be in control over how much you drink by dealing with the emotional reasons connected to drinking too much and by giving you suggestions.